Seniority focuses on high quality, comprehensive and accessible in home medical care for seniors living in the community. Our drive is to improve overall health and prevent unnecessary hospitalizations by offering frequent visits, reducing medication burden and promoting wellness.
How does Seniority improve care for seniors?
As a result of our after hour telemedicine visits in 2023 88% of our patients were able to be treated in place, preventing the need for an emergency room visit and unnecessary hospitalization
Our patients had a greater than 80%
reduction in emergency department visits during after hours when seen via a telemedicine visit
Seniority is providing high quality in home medical care to residents and patients living in senior living communities across Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Delaware.
Over 2500+ patients across Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Delaware increasing access to care for seniors
​We focus on the medically complex patient and surround them with resources to help them manage their chronic conditions. Our proactive approach to care produces better outcomes
Due to the comprehensive Seniority Healthcare care model our patients are 5 times less likely to be hospitalized compared to national averages